
Never Let Go

Happiness in our life is to live our life without living up to people's expectations.

Be there for a friend whenever, wherever and whatever the circumstances.

Your effort will be wasted if you put it into someone who doesn't cares about you.

No matter who you are, you deserve to be loved.

An apology will be meaningful when you mean it from your heart, not when you say it to make yourself feel better.

The valuable people in our lives are those who can make us smile on our weakest days.

Sometimes, we just wait for the right moment and place to know our own hearts.

Although actions speak louder than words, hearing the words from you is another way to confirm your feelings for me.

We can cry and be strong at the same time. Tears are not a sign of weakness.

A frightening obstacle is not an enemy in front of us. it's our own fear that stops us from facing it.

Nothing is too scary if you have someone who is willing to fight with you.

Sometimes, in a relationship, time and space can help us realize what we really want.

~ b4zach ~

29 April 2023

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Never Let Go

Happiness in our life is to live our life without living up to people's expectations. Be there for a friend whenever, wherever and whate...